Reading group / Groupe de travail

Lawson homology

Institut Camille Jordan, July 2-6, 2018.

Room: Salle Séminaire 1.


  M T W T F
10:00-12:00 1 3 6 7 10
14:00-15:30 2 4   8 11
15:45-17:15   5   9  



[K] Kollar: Rational curves on algebraic varieties.
[H] Hu: Birational invariants defined by Lawson homology.
[N] Nie: Blow up formulas and smooth birational invariants.
[L] Lawson: Spaces of algebraic cycles.
[L-Annals] Lawson:Algebraic cycles and homotopy theory.
[F] Friedlander: Algebraic cycles, Chow varieties, and Lawson homology.
[FHW] Friedlander Haesemeyer Walker_Techniques, computations and conjectures for semi-top K.
[FM] Frielander Mazur: Filtrations on the Homology of Algebraic Varieties
[F-Filtration] Frielander Mazur: Friedlander_Filtrations on algebraic cycles and homology.
[P] Peters: Introduction to Lawson homology

If you are interested, please contact Lie Fu.

This reading group is supported by the "project de recherche inter-laboratoire" financed by Fédération de Recherche en Mathématiques Rhône-Alpes/Auvergne, and by Labex Milyon.